Taijiquan workshop with Oamsin Termpaiboon, indoor student of Liang Dehua
Our Yang style Taijiquan curriculum comes from the official lineage of Grandmaster Gu Lisheng (Gu Luping), passed down from Gu Lisheng’s last indoor student, Master Chi Qingsheng. Grandmaster Gu Lisheng was a student of Yang Shaohou and Yang Chengfu. Liang Dehua is a certified indoor student of the sixth generation of this lineage.
Course fees from 1 March 2025
– 150.00 CHF/EUR per day
– 430.00 CHF/EUR full workshop
The course fees for indoor students of Liang Dehua are available on request by e-mail, to:
The course fees must be paid in advance. Please pay by bank transfer (national/international) to:
5015 Erlinsbach SO
IBAN: CH79 80808 0014 7301 4298
In favour of:
Markus Hauser
Taiji-Schule Aarau
5018 Erlinsbach AG
Please state the reason for payment.
Tui Shou Erfahrungsaustausch / Experience Exchange
An folgenden Tagen findet jeweils ein Tui Shou-Erfahrungsaustausch statt, zu welchem alle Taiji-Freunde zu einem stil- und schulübergreifenden, freundschaftlichen Erfahrungsaustausch eingeladen sind.
On the following days there will be a Tui Shou training to which all Taiji friends are invited for a friendly exchange of experiences across styles and schools.